Every time you use the Internet, do you find that the website has two formats? One starts with http://, and the other starts with https://. Seemingly similar, what are the differences between them? There are several significant differences between HTTP and HTTPS, mainly reflected in the following aspects:


Security: This is the most significant difference between HTTP and HTTPS.

HTTP is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol used to transfer documents between browsers and servers. However, the data transmission of the HTTP protocol is plaintext, so it may be intercepted or tampered with during the transmission process. In contrast, HTTPS is a secure network transmission protocol that encrypts and authenticates communication processes through TLS/SSL protocols, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, identity authentication, and non repudiation of data during transmission.


Connection status: HTTPS connections always remain encrypted during data transmission, even if the connection between the user and the server is severed during transmission, it will not affect the encryption status of the data. HTTP connections are plaintext, and once intercepted, data may be stolen or tampered with.


Port number: HTTP and HTTPS use different port numbers. HTTP typically uses port 80, while HTTPS uses port 443.


Performance: HTTPS uses encryption and decryption operations, so it requires more computing resources during data transmission, which may result in slightly lower performance than HTTP. With the advancement of technology, the performance gap of HTTPS has gradually narrowed.


Overall, HTTPS has significant differences compared to HTTP in terms of security, encryption methods, certificate management, connection status, port numbers, and performance. With the increasing importance of network security, HTTPS has become the preferred protocol for many websites and applications. ISPKEY, as a global provider of high-quality IP resources, possesses a high-quality IP pool and dynamic pure IP resources, providing users with a stable, secure, and efficient user experience.

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