As a popular short video platform in the world, TikTok has attracted countless businesses and individual creators. However, with the expansion of TikTok's user scale and the continuous improvement of platform rules, how to effectively improve the account weight and exposure under the premise of complying with the rules has become the focus of many operators. This article will deeply explore the construction of the network environment in the process of TikTok account maintenance and the selection and optimization strategy of proxy IP, to help operators achieve better results on the TikTok platform.

I. The importance of TikTok account maintenance

TikTok divides video traffic into two categories: general traffic and precise traffic. General traffic is pushed to the general public, while precise traffic is pushed to specific groups based on account tags and video content. The purpose of account maintenance is to simulate real user behavior and clearly label the account, thereby increasing the account weight and obtaining more precise traffic.

II. Construction of a dedicated network environment

When maintaining TikTok accounts, the construction of a dedicated network environment is crucial. TikTok will identify the authenticity of the account based on the network environment, and an abnormal network environment is likely to cause the account to be banned.

1. Avoid dynamic IP: Using dynamic IP is prone to unstable network environment due to sharing by multiple people, increasing the risk of account ban. It is recommended that operators purchase a stable static IP or build their own dedicated server.

2. One device, one number, one IP: Assign an independent device and IP address to each TikTok account to ensure that the accounts are independent of each other and reduce the risk of being judged as malicious by the platform.

3. Network environment settings: Ensure that the language, time zone, geographic location and other settings of the mobile phone or dedicated device are consistent with the target market to simulate the real user environment.

III. Selection and optimization of proxy IP

In the process of TikTok account maintenance, choosing a suitable proxy IP is crucial to improving account stability and security.

1. Static residential IP:

Advantages: Static residential IP comes from a real home network environment and has a high degree of authenticity and trust. When accessing the TikTok platform, it is less likely to be identified as an abnormal access by the system, reducing the risk of the account being banned.

Applicable scenarios: Suitable for scenarios that require a high degree of trust and security, such as TikTok account maintenance and sensitive account operations.

2. Selection of proxy IP service providers:

When choosing a proxy IP service provider, you should pay attention to factors such as the service provider's reputation, IP resource quality, network stability and after-sales service. Well-known service providers in the market, such as ISPKEY, provide high-quality static residential IP resources, which can provide strong protection for TikTok account maintenance.

3. IP address replacement strategy:

Although static residential IP has high stability, it is still necessary to consider changing IP addresses to avoid risks in some cases. Operators should formulate reasonable IP replacement strategies based on actual operating conditions to avoid account abnormalities caused by frequent changes.

IV. Other account maintenance precautions

1. Complete account information: After registering a new account, you should complete information such as avatars and personal profiles as soon as possible to improve the authenticity of the account. At the same time, binding other social media accounts such as Instagram and Facebook can also help improve account weight.

2. Keep the account active: Regularly publish high-quality video content, actively participate in interactions such as likes, comments, and sharing, and improve account activity. Avoid behaviors such as long-term non-use or frequent login and logout of the account.

3. Monitor account status: Pay close attention to account data changes and platform notification information. Once abnormal situations are found, they should be handled in time and contact the platform customer service for help.

V. Conclusion

Maintaining an account on TikTok is a systematic and complex process, which requires operators to comprehensively consider aspects such as network environment construction, proxy IP selection, account information improvement, activity maintenance, and status monitoring. Through reasonable strategies and optimization measures, operators can effectively improve account weight and exposure while complying with platform rules, thereby achieving better results on the TikTok platform. I hope this article can provide valuable reference and reference for the majority of TikTok operators.

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