Crawler proxy is a tool used for crawling technology, mainly used to simulate multiple IP addresses and user proxies, in order to avoid being recognized by the target website. In web crawlers, it is common to set up an IP pool and a user agent pool, and randomly select an IP address and a user agent from these pools each time a request is made, in order to hide the real IP address and user agent.

The following are the application methods of web crawler agents:


Classification and Use of Application Crawler Agents

HTTP proxy: This is the most common type of proxy that can proxy HTTP requests and responses, typically used to crawl web page data.

HTTPS proxy: This is an encrypted HTTP proxy that can proxy HTTPS requests and responses, typically used to crawl website data that requires login or involves personal privacy.

SOCKS proxy: This is a universal type of proxy that can proxy TCP and UDP requests and responses, typically used to crawl website data that requires the use of other protocols.


Application crawler proxy programming application

Using the requests module: In Python, we can use the requests module to set up and use proxy IPs. By setting the proxy_ip and proxies parameters, proxies can be used when initiating network requests.

Simulate browser operations using selenium: In some cases, we need to use selenium to simulate browser operations. At this point, it is also possible to avoid being recognized by the target website by setting a proxy IP.

Using the Scrape framework: In actual web crawler development, the Scrape framework is a commonly used choice. It provides rich functions and flexible configuration options, making it easy to set and use proxy IPs.

Overall, crawler proxy is an important tool in crawler technology. By simulating multiple IP addresses and user proxies, it can effectively avoid being recognized by the target website, thereby improving the efficiency and success rate of crawling. When using crawler proxies, it is necessary to choose the appropriate proxy type and setting method based on specific scenarios and needs. Thank you for your attention. We will continue to provide you with professional and valuable content.

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