Whether choosing a dynamic residential IP or a static residential IP, consumers first need to consider how to choose the region and country where the proxy IP belongs, which is crucial for a considerable number of enterprises. For example, residential IPs in the United States are more suitable for companies to explore the US market. They can quickly access US network resources, adjust promotion plans in a timely manner, expand brand awareness, and complete user conversion. This article will introduce knowledge related to residential IP in the United States.

Residential IP in the United States

US residential IP refers to the IP addresses assigned by ISPs to US network users, which are scattered and difficult to detect by website anomaly handling mechanisms, and are no different from real US user IPs.


Factors affecting the purchase of residential IP in the United States

Legitimate US residential IP

A legal US residential IP is a prerequisite for all use. ISPKEY proxy IP official website, with channels that comply with ethical and legal regulations, provides high-quality overseas residential IP, customized IP services, and meets the diverse needs of users.

IP classification selection

The usage range of dynamic residential IP and static residential IP is different. If there is only a brief network connection, consider dynamic residential IP. If you want to work in the United States for a long time, static residential IP will be more suitable for users.

Price comparison

Compared to static residential IPs, dynamic residential IPs have lower costs due to objective conditions such as hardware equipment. ISPKEY supports dynamic overseas IP addresses, which can be changed and used flexibly by enterprises in various places to meet their own needs.

Restricted Residential IP

The US residential IP relies on the US network environment and is constrained by US cybersecurity regulations. Users need to remember this when using US residential IP and not violate any relevant laws and regulations.


The United States has significant advantages in new technology research and development, international promotion platforms, artificial intelligence, and other fields. American residential IPs can be applied in competitive intelligence acquisition, data collection and analysis. In short, American residential IPs are widely used and have obvious functions, making them a powerful tool that supports accessing overseas markets.

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