Using proxy IPs is a common technique when performing web crawling or data mining tasks. Proxy IPs allow us to hide our true network identity while avoiding excessive access pressure on the target website. However, choosing the right type of proxy IP is very important for the efficiency and stability of the crawler.

1. Free proxy IPs

Free proxy IPs are constantly emerging and can usually be obtained through some websites or APIs. Such proxy IPs are undoubtedly the cheapest option, but they face some risks.

First, since free proxy IP providers are usually not strictly screened and maintained, the quality varies. Many free proxy IPs will show high latency, low availability or even be blocked, which is very unfavorable for crawlers.

Secondly, using free proxy IPs also requires privacy concerns. Considering that the providers of free proxy IPs also need to make money, they may steal user data or abuse it in other forms. This is intolerable for crawler tasks that handle sensitive information.

2. Public/shared proxy IPs

Public or shared proxy IPs are those proxy IPs provided by third parties and can be obtained in a public way. You can find many such proxy IP lists, including servers all over the world. These proxy IPs usually require payment to use, and the amount of the fee depends on factors such as availability and speed.

Compared with free proxy IPs, public/shared proxy IPs are more reliable because they are usually maintained and managed by professional proxy service providers. These service providers regularly check and screen proxy IPs to ensure their quality and availability.

However, public/shared proxy IPs also have some limitations. First, because they are public, they may be abused in some cases. For example, some websites and service providers will restrict or ban public/shared proxy IPs. In addition, since multiple users share the same batch of proxy IPs, access speed may be slowed down.

3. Private proxy IP

Private proxy IP refers to a proxy IP that can only be used by specific users or organizations. These proxy IPs are usually customized and managed by proxy service providers according to user needs.

Compared with public/shared proxy IPs, private proxy IPs have higher availability and stability. Because private proxy IPs are only for specific users, there is no problem of access speed reduction caused by multiple users sharing. In addition, since private proxy IPs are customized, their quality and availability will be more guaranteed.

However, the price of private proxy IPs is usually relatively high, which makes it less practical in some scenarios. If you are only doing small-scale crawling tasks or the premise that you need a large number of proxy IPs is not true, then choosing a private proxy IP may increase unnecessary costs.


When choosing the type of proxy IP, you should make a trade-off based on the specific crawling task requirements. Free proxy IP can be used as a temporary solution for quick verification, but it is not reliable in long-term crawling tasks. Public/shared proxy IPs provide better availability and stability and are suitable for most crawling tasks. Private proxy IPs are suitable for professional crawling tasks that require very high stability.

No matter which type of proxy IP you choose, you must pay attention to legal use and comply with relevant laws and regulations. At the same time, regularly checking and updating the proxy IP list is an important step to keep the crawler running efficiently.

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