Many friends who have used proxy IPs will find such a problem. The Internet speed after using proxy IPs will be slower than that without using proxy IPs. What is the reason for this? Let's analyze it with you.

1. The difference between the two ways of surfing the Internet

1. Proxy surfing:

The user client first connects to the proxy server and sends a request to the proxy server;

The proxy server connects to the target website server and forwards the client request to the target website server;

The target website server responds to the proxy server request and returns information to the proxy server;

The proxy server forwards the return information of the website server to the user client.

2. Surfing the Internet without using proxy IP:

The user client connects to the target website server and sends a request to the target website;

The target website server responds to the client request and returns information to the client.

By comparing the two methods, we can see that surfing the Internet with proxy IP requires more steps than not using proxy IP, which means more consumption and slower Internet speed.

2. Comparison of proxy IP broadband and client broadband

1. Bandwidth of proxy IP

The bandwidth of open proxy IP is generally used by many people at the same time. If it is a dedicated IP, the bandwidth used by one person will be high.

2. Client bandwidth

The client bandwidth is mostly home broadband and company broadband, ranging from 100M to 1G;

The client bandwidth is generally used by individuals, or shared by family members and company members, and the number of users is relatively small.

By comparing the two bandwidths, we can see that the client bandwidth is much larger than the proxy IP bandwidth, and the number of people using it is also smaller, so the network speed will naturally be faster than using the proxy IP.

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