I believe that many online game players know that as long as the game is designed to hang up, you need to open the game or open multiple accounts. So, how many forms of hanging up are there?

How many forms of game hanging up are there? Does hanging up require a proxy IP?

The first one: download the corresponding plug-in from the plug-in website, also called an offline plug-in. As long as you log in to this plug-in in the game, there will be a corresponding program to help you upgrade the monster.

Second: Some online games can automatically help monsters upgrade by pressing the A key or Z key. Games like this only allow players to do some prescribed tasks.

For such game plug-ins, the risk of the first game plug-in is relatively large. Once discovered, it will be sealed, and serious accounts will be permanently banned. In the second form of hanging up, if the account opens more, the platform will detect that the same IP has opened multiple accounts, and the platform will misjudge the use of abnormalities and then block the account. Therefore, all forms of hanging up have certain risks. Therefore, hanging up requires a proxy IP as an auxiliary role.

The proxy IP switches accounts, and the virtual separate process can access the Internet IP. In addition, the game window can realize the virtual IP separately, so that all game windows on the user's computer have different IPs to achieve game anti-blocking. Proxy IP can be said to be the best assistant for game plug-ins.

When we are choosing a proxy IP to play game plug-ins, we need to know whether the proxy IP has a massive IP pool all over the country? Can the IP node be exclusive? Does the IP have a professional technical team after-sales service and whether it has high anonymity.

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