With the development of the Internet, online questionnaire surveys have become an independent project. According to statistics, the United States has invested more than 60 billion US dollars in prize surveys in 2020 alone. In recent years, affected by the epidemic, people's consumption habits have also changed greatly. More and more companies and institutions have gradually increased the intensity of prize surveys to better understand people's consumption intentions.

At present, more and more people are trying to participate in overseas questionnaire surveys to get a share of the pie, but the feedback is polarized. Some people think that overseas questionnaire surveys will indeed be a new outlet, and some people call it "cutting leeks" without any gains.

There are two main reasons for this phenomenon.

The first is the problem of personal comprehension ability. When we come into contact with the questionnaire, we need to bring it into the perspective of the questioner, analyze the purpose and thinking of the questioner first, and then prescribe the right medicine. For example, if the product involved in the questionnaire is a female cosmetics product, then when filling in the questionnaire, we should simulate the identity of a female consumer. If the question about gender is directly filled in as male at the beginning of the questionnaire, the questionnaire is likely to be directly screened out as an invalid questionnaire.

The second is the account issue. Questionnaire surveys have certain requirements for IP addresses. Users often need to use multiple accounts to obtain questionnaires, so they also need multiple IP addresses to adapt to the accounts one by one, otherwise it is easy to be blocked. From the initial account maintenance to obtaining questionnaires, and then to submitting questionnaires, users also need to maintain IP consistency. If you blindly continue to capture and fill out questionnaires, it is very likely that you will find that all your efforts are useless.

Therefore, a high-quality proxy IP is particularly important. ISPKEY proxy can meet most of the user's needs in questionnaire surveys.

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