eBay is one of the world's largest online trading platforms, attracting a large number of merchants and consumers. However, it is not easy to register a store on eBay and conduct cross-border e-commerce operations, because registration will face problems such as geographic location restrictions, IP blocking, and multiple store account associations. One of the effective ways to solve these problems is to use a proxy IP.

Steps to register an eBay store

1. Choose a reliable proxy service provider

First, you need to choose a reliable proxy service provider. It is recommended to choose a stable and reliable service provider that provides multi-country/region IP address proxy services, such as ISPEKY.

2. Purchase a proxy IP service

After purchasing the proxy IP service, obtain a proxy IP address that matches the country/region where you registered eBay on the website of a service provider such as ISPEKY.

3. Set the proxy IP

Set the proxy IP to the network settings. It is recommended to use a fingerprint browser to set the proxy IP.

4. Register an eBay account

After setting the proxy IP, open the eBay registration page through the fingerprint browser:

1. Visit the eBay official website and click the "Register" button in the upper right corner.

2. On the registration page, select "Create a personal account" or "Create a business account" and select options as needed.

3. Enter your name, email address, and password. Your password should contain letters, numbers, and symbols and be at least 8 characters long.

4. Provide contact information, including country, address, and phone number. If you are creating a business account, you must also provide the business name and country.

5. Confirm your account information, read and agree to eBay's User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

6. After completing registration, you need to verify your email address. eBay will send a verification email to the email address provided, and follow the instructions in the email to complete the verification process.

7. Log in to your eBay account and complete the seller profile settings, including providing necessary documents and filling in seller information, such as shipping policy, return policy, etc.

8. Set up payment methods, such as PayPal, etc.

9. Prepare products and start selling.

Prevent eBay account association

eBay does not allow multiple stores to operate, and will detect whether multiple stores are associated through IP. To circumvent this restriction, you can take the following measures:

Use different IP addresses

Different store accounts use different IP addresses to avoid eBay's association detection. Using multiple IP address services provided by ISPEKY and others can effectively reduce the risk of account association and protect your store from being blocked.

In short, using proxy IP addresses can help circumvent eBay restrictions and establish and manage accounts in different geographical locations. However, sellers should also regulate their business practices to avoid eBay blocking or other problems.

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