As the Internet matures, more and more companies are moving towards dataization, and corporate network security has become an increasingly concerned issue. The number of companies that are often attacked by the Internet is also increasing. Companies are generally attacked by hackers through IP address traces. If hackers succeed, it will bring data leakage and reputation damage to the company.

Therefore, strengthening corporate network security protection is a top priority, and proxy IP is a high-quality tool to protect corporate network security. So how does proxy IP effectively protect corporate networks?

1. Additional security layer

Companies can use highly anonymous proxy IPs to ensure Internet security. In most cases, it becomes very difficult for hackers to intercept important data information on corporate networks that use proxy IPs. Even if Internet hackers use various methods to track and access proxy servers, they still cannot obtain the company's real network data. This is because highly anonymous proxy IPs will disguise the company's real IP, making it impossible for hackers to obtain the company's real IP address.

2. Filtering traffic

Many corporate data leaks are caused by human errors, and employees' unintentional or intentional behavior may leak sensitive corporate data information. Using proxy IP can help administrators of enterprise networks better control the way employees use the Internet and prevent them from accessing websites that cannot be guaranteed to be safe.

3. Ensure the safety of out-of-town devices

Nowadays, many employees of enterprises work in a more flexible way, often in a remote state or leave the office to work in other places. However, when they use the network to directly access the enterprise website to obtain internal resources, they cannot guarantee whether the network they use is safe, which may cause damage to the enterprise. If you use a proxy IP, even if you connect to an unsafe network and are infiltrated by hackers, it will not track the real enterprise database.

Provide various types of proxy IPs to ensure user network security in real time. We have provided services to many well-known Internet companies, support API batch use, and support multi-threaded high concurrency use.

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