In today's Internet age, IP addresses have become an important identifier for our Internet access. However, sometimes our IP addresses may be checked, causing our privacy to be violated or websites to be attacked. So, how to prevent IP from being checked? How to use IP addresses to prevent being fleeced?

First, we need to understand the basic knowledge of IP addresses. IP addresses are our unique identifiers on the Internet, which can help us communicate with other people or servers. However, since IP addresses are exposed on the Internet, they may be used by some criminals.

To prevent IP from being checked, we can take the following measures:

1. Use a proxy server: A proxy server can help us hide our real IP address and protect our privacy. When we set up a proxy server in our browser, our requests will be forwarded through the proxy server, which can hide our real IP address.

2. Use VPN: VPN can help us encrypt network connections and hide our real IP address. When we use VPN, all our network connections will be encrypted through VPN, which can protect our privacy and security.

3. Change IP addresses regularly: Since IP addresses are exposed on the Internet, some criminals may use our IP addresses to attack our websites. To prevent this from happening, we can change the IP address regularly. This can reduce the risk of our website being attacked.

In addition to the above measures, we can also use IP addresses to prevent being fleeced. Fleshing refers to some people taking advantage of website loopholes or preferential policies to maliciously register accounts or purchase goods in order to obtain improper benefits. To prevent this from happening, we can take the following measures:

1. Limit IP addresses: We can limit the number of visits or registrations for each IP address. This can prevent some people from obtaining improper benefits through malicious registration or purchase of goods.

2. Real-name authentication: Real-name authentication can help us identify malicious registration or purchase of goods. When users perform real-name authentication, we can require users to provide real identity information. This can help us identify malicious registration or purchase of goods and take corresponding measures.

3. Set verification code: The verification code can help us verify the user's identity information. When users are registering or purchasing goods, we can require users to enter the correct verification code. This can prevent some people from obtaining improper benefits through malicious registration or purchase of goods.

4. Limit account permissions: We can limit account permissions to prevent some people from obtaining improper benefits through malicious registration or purchase of goods. For example, we can limit the number of purchases or comments of an account.

5. Strengthen security measures: In order to prevent some people from obtaining improper benefits through malicious registration or purchase of goods, we need to strengthen the security measures of the website. For example, we can set up firewalls, encrypt network connections, change passwords regularly and other measures to protect the security of the website.

In short, preventing IP from being checked and using IP addresses to prevent being fleeced is an important measure to protect our privacy and security. We need to take appropriate measures to protect our privacy and security.

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