1. Use proxy IP:

Proxy IP forwards requests through an intermediate server, so that the target website sees the IP of the proxy server instead of your real IP. This can help you avoid anti-crawling mechanisms triggered by high-frequency access to a single IP address.

Using high-quality proxy IP services, such as highly anonymous proxies, can better hide your identity, because such proxies will not reveal the fact that they are proxies to the target website.

Maintain a large proxy IP pool and change proxies regularly to reduce the probability of being identified and blocked by the target website.

2. Randomize User-Agent:

User-Agent is part of the HTTP request header that identifies the client software that sends the request. By randomizing User-Agent, the crawler can be made to look like it comes from different browsers or devices, increasing its disguise.

You can collect and use various common User-Agent strings and randomly select one each time you send a request.

3. Imitate real user behavior:

Control the request frequency and interval time to avoid too frequent requests that arouse suspicion.

Randomize the order and depth of page visits to simulate human browsing habits.

When necessary, such as when logging in or submitting a form, you can simulate mouse movements, clicks, and other behaviors.

4. Use Cookies and Sessions:

In some cases, saving and using Cookies can help maintain the user's session state and avoid being identified as a robot.

However, it should be noted that Cookies may have an expiration date and need to be retrieved after expiration.

5. Distributed crawlers:

Distributed crawlers work together through multiple nodes (which can be different IPs, devices, or geographical locations), which can not only improve crawling efficiency, but also disperse the pressure of a single IP and reduce the risk of being blocked.

6. Verification code recognition and processing:

When encountering a verification code, you can use OCR technology to identify it, or combine it with machine learning algorithms to crack it.

In some cases, manual intervention may be required to solve complex verification codes.

7. Comply with robots.txt rules:

Most websites have a robots.txt file that defines the pages that search engines and crawlers can and cannot access. Complying with these rules can avoid unnecessary conflicts.

8. Legal and ethical considerations:

When performing web crawling activities, ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, respect the privacy policy and terms of use of the website, and do not engage in illegal or infringing behavior.

By combining the above strategies, you can effectively deal with anti-crawling mechanisms, reduce the risk of being blocked, and maintain efficient operation of the crawler. However, it should be noted that the anti-crawling strategy of each website may be different, so in actual operation, it may need to be adjusted and optimized according to the specific situation.

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