There are many reasons why your account may still be blocked after using a proxy IP. Here are some common situations:

1. The quality of the proxy IP is not high: If the proxy IP used is easily identified as a proxy by the target website, such as a transparent proxy or an ordinary anonymous proxy, the other party's server can detect the real client IP address and block it.

2. The IP pool is small and the reuse rate is high: If the shared proxy IP pool is limited in size, the same IP is frequently used by multiple users to visit the same website in a short period of time. This abnormal behavior can easily alert the website's anti-crawler mechanism and cause the IP to be blocked.

3. The access frequency is too high: Even if it is a high-quality proxy IP, if a large number of requests are sent in a short period of time, exceeding the access frequency of normal users, it may be considered as malicious crawling or attacking behavior and then blocked.

4. Violation of the terms of service: Using a proxy IP to engage in behavior that violates the terms of service of the target website, such as crawling copyrighted content, batch registration of accounts, etc., will cause the IP to be blocked.

5. The target website has a strict anti-proxy strategy: Some large websites and service providers will adopt advanced anti-crawler technology that can effectively detect and block various types of proxy IPs.

6. Proxy IP is blacklisted: Some proxy IPs have been recorded and blacklisted by websites because of previous bad behavior.

To avoid being blocked by using proxy IP, you can adopt the following strategies:

1. Use high-quality proxies:

Highly anonymous (Elite/Anonymous) proxies can better hide your real IP address and proxy status, reducing the risk of being detected by the target website.

Choose a proxy service provider with good reputation, frequent updates, and a large IP pool to ensure that the IP used is clean and not blacklisted.

2. Control access frequency and speed:

Simulate human browsing behavior, set a reasonable delay, avoid a large number of fast requests in a short period of time, and trigger the anti-crawling mechanism.

Distribute access time to avoid high-density crawling of the same resource in a certain period of time.

3. Multi-IP rotation:

Use the proxy pool system to automatically switch different proxy IPs to disperse requests and prevent a single IP from being blocked due to too many requests.

For large-scale data crawling tasks, implement an intelligent rotation strategy, and automatically replace each IP after a period of use to avoid excessive load on a single IP.

4. Comply with website regulations:

Do not violate the target website's terms of service and the guidelines in the robots.txt file, and only crawl data that is publicly accessible.

5. Disguise header information:

Set User-Agent and other HTTP header information to make it look like it comes from a common browser to increase the camouflage effect.

6. Verification mechanism:

If possible, enable security verification for the account, such as mobile phone verification or email verification, which will help improve account security and reduce IP bans caused by suspected malicious logins.

7. Keep the proxy IP healthy:

Regularly check and remove invalid or banned proxy IPs to ensure the effectiveness of the proxy.

8. Reasonable allocation of resources:

Try to correspond one IP to one account, and avoid multiple accounts accessing the same IP, especially for situations where account login is required.

Through the comprehensive application of the above measures, the possibility of being banned due to the use of proxy IPs can be significantly reduced. At the same time, it is also necessary to continue to pay attention to the changes in the anti-crawling strategy of the target website and continuously adjust and optimize your own proxy strategy.

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