Common problems in crawler proxy IP resource acquisition include the following aspects:

1. The quality and stability of the proxy IP: The obtained proxy IP may have quality problems, such as IP being banned, invalid, slow speed, etc., which will affect the running efficiency and stability of the crawler program. In addition, the stability of the proxy server is also an issue that needs to be considered. If the proxy server frequently crashes or the network is unstable, the crawler program will not be able to run normally.

2. The number and distribution of proxy IPs: The number and distribution of the obtained proxy IPs are also an issue that needs to be considered. If the number of proxy IPs is insufficient or the distribution is uneven, the crawler program may not be able to cover all the content of the target website, or it may take more time and resources to complete the crawling task.

3. The cost of proxy IP: The cost of obtaining proxy IP is also an issue that needs to be considered. Some high-quality proxy IP resources may require a certain fee, while free proxy IP resources may have more quality and stability problems. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the cost and benefits of proxy IP according to the actual situation.

4. The legality and security of proxy IP: When using proxy IP, you need to pay attention to its legality and security. Some proxy IPs may have problems of violating the law or infringing on the rights of others. Using these proxy IPs may lead to legal risks and moral risks. In addition, the use of proxy IPs also needs to pay attention to protecting personal information and privacy, avoiding leaking sensitive information or suffering from cyber attacks.

In order to solve these problems, some measures can be taken, such as using high-quality proxy IP suppliers, regularly testing and updating proxy IPs, setting reasonable proxy IP rotation strategies, adding random delays, etc. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to complying with laws, regulations and ethical standards to ensure the legality and security of proxy IPs.

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