In this era of information explosion, crawlers have replaced manual information collection and become the new favorite of information collection. Many people have joined the ranks of crawler programmers. However, many novice crawler programmers have difficulty choosing proxy IPs. They don’t know what kind of proxy IP is suitable for crawlers?

Crawlers pursue efficiency and business success rate, so the choice of crawler proxy IP is very important. A good crawler proxy IP generally includes the following characteristics.

1. If the IP pool is large, the crawler needs a large number of proxy IPs to operate, sometimes millions of IPs are required every day. If the number of IPs is not enough, the operation efficiency of the crawler will be greatly reduced. Therefore, the actual measured IP pool of projects with large data collection requirements should be more than one million to ensure that the business is not affected.

2. The availability of IP should be very high. Some platforms claim to have tens of millions of proxy IPs, but many of them are duplicated and of low quality. In fact, the availability is not high. Therefore, we need to choose a platform with stable deduplication and high availability, which requires us to test. Fortunately, many regular platforms can be tested for free.

3. IP resources can be exclusive. As we all know, a proxy IP platform cannot have only one client. We may encounter peers who also use this kind of proxy, and business conflicts will also affect our work efficiency. If we have exclusive resources, we can ensure the availability and stability of the proxy IP and improve the success rate of the business.

4. In order to meet the needs of high concurrency, crawler programs are generally multi-threaded and need to obtain a large number of proxy IPs in a short time. If the concurrency is not enough, it will also reduce the operating efficiency, so the number of proxy IPs that can be obtained per second should be around 200. Of course, this is for larger projects. The concurrency requirements of small projects are not that high, but who knows that our next project is not a large project?

5. Convenient to call, with many API interface styles, it is easy to integrate into our program.

The above are the key points of crawler proxy IP selection, and I hope to provide some help to us novice crawler engineers.

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