With the rapid development of digitalization today, the Internet has become an indispensable part of our lives. However, when we go online, we often need to use a proxy server. A proxy server is like a secret weapon that can help us better manage and control network connections.

1. Definition of a proxy server

A proxy server is a network device that acts as an intermediary between the client and the server to help the client initiate and manage network connections. A proxy server can manage network connections, including security control, caching, and other functions, thereby improving the speed and security of network connections.

2. Functions of a proxy server

1. Manage network connections

A proxy server can manage network connections, including establishing, maintaining, and terminating connections. When a client makes a network request, the proxy server receives the request and then forwards it to the target server. The target server sends a response to the proxy server, which then forwards the response to the client. In this way, the proxy server can manage network connections.

2. Security control

A proxy server can perform security control on network connections, including encrypting data transmission. A proxy server can handle unauthorized access, thereby protecting the security of the network.

3. Cache data

A proxy server can cache web page content locally, thereby reducing the number of network connections and increasing the speed of web page loading. When a client requests a web page, if the web page is already in the proxy server's cache, the proxy server can directly send the cached web page to the client without making another request to the target server.

3. How to choose a suitable proxy server

When we need to use a proxy server, we choose different types of proxy servers according to our needs.

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