When the proxy IP is restricted due to too many access requests, the following measures can be taken to solve the problem:

1. Understand the reasons for the restriction

The proxy IP is of poor quality and unstable, which leads to being identified and blocked by the server.

The access frequency of the proxy IP is too high, which is considered malicious by the server and restricted.

2. Solution

Change the proxy IP service provider

Choose a well-known proxy IP service provider to ensure the quality and stability of the proxy IP.

Understand the source and type of the proxy IP (such as HTTP proxy, SOCKS5 proxy, etc.) and choose the appropriate type.

Consider the availability, access speed, price and whether 24-hour technical support is provided for the proxy IP.

Reduce the access frequency

Set a reasonable access interval to avoid too frequent requests.

Add a random delay time between requests to simulate normal user behavior.

Use multiple proxy IPs

If conditions permit, purchase or obtain multiple proxy IPs and use them in turn to reduce the frequency of use of a single proxy IP.

Set User-Agent and Referer

While using the proxy IP, set the appropriate User-Agent and Referer to simulate the access behavior of normal users.

Comply with the target website's usage policy

When using a proxy IP to access a website, make sure your behavior complies with the website's usage policy and terms to avoid triggering countermeasures.

3. Precautions

Protect personal privacy

When using a proxy IP, pay attention to protecting personal privacy and information security to avoid leaking sensitive information.

Comply with laws and regulations

Make sure your behavior complies with laws, regulations and ethical standards, and do not try to bypass or undermine the website's protection measures.

Regularly check and update

Regularly check the availability of proxy IPs and replace expired proxy IPs in a timely manner.

Update the proxy IP list as needed to ensure that there are enough and stable proxy IPs available.

Through the above measures, you can effectively solve the problem of too many proxy IP access requests being restricted. At the same time, it is recommended to be cautious and legal and compliant when using proxy IPs to avoid unnecessary trouble and losses to others or websites.

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