What is the cross-domain request problem?

First, we need to understand what the cross-domain request problem is. Simply put, when our front-end code runs under one domain name, and the target server sending the request is under another domain name, a cross-domain request problem occurs. This will cause the browser to intercept such requests, thereby preventing the front-end code from obtaining the required data, causing a series of problems.

Common methods to solve cross-domain request problems

When solving cross-domain request problems, our common methods include using JSONP, CORS, proxies, etc. Each method has its applicable scenarios and limitations. Today, we will focus on a method that can be used in a production environment-reverse proxy.

What is a reverse proxy?

The so-called reverse proxy, as the name suggests, is a type of proxy server. Its function is to receive requests from the client, then forward these requests to the target server, and return the target server's response to the client. Through reverse proxy, we can add a layer of proxy server between the client and the target server to solve the cross-domain request problem.

How to use reverse proxy to solve cross-domain request problems?

Now, let's use a specific example to demonstrate how to use reverse proxy to solve cross-domain request problems. Suppose our front-end code runs on `http://localhost:3000`, and the interface we need to request is located at `http://api.example.com`. We can configure the reverse proxy to let the client's request pass through the proxy server before forwarding to the target server.

First, we need to install a reverse proxy server, such as nginx. Then, add the following configuration to the nginx configuration file:

server {

listen 80;

server_name localhost;

location /api {

proxy_pass http://api.example.com;



Through the above configuration, we forward the client's request for `http://localhost:3000/api` to `http://api.example.com`. In this way, the client can successfully send requests and obtain the required data.

It is worth noting that the use of reverse proxy requires consideration of the performance and security of the proxy server. In addition, when there are many interfaces between our front-end code and the target server, the reverse proxy also needs to be configured and managed accordingly.


By using a reverse proxy, we can solve the cross-domain request problem well, so that the front-end code can smoothly obtain the required data. Of course, in actual projects, we still need to choose the appropriate solution according to specific needs and situations. I hope this article can help developers who are encountering cross-domain request problems.

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