What is a common proxy IP? Generally, it refers to a proxy IP with low efficiency and low price. What is a high-quality proxy IP? As the name implies, it refers to a proxy IP with excellent quality, efficiency and speed. So what is the difference between the two and how to choose?

What are the advantages of common proxy IP?

First, it is cheap. Common proxies are relatively cheap, a few dollars a day and dozens of dollars a month. Common proxies are actually free proxy IPs. They collect free proxy IPs on the Internet, screen and process them, and then provide APIs. The cost is extremely low, so the price is extremely cheap.

Second, the quantity is large. Thousands or even thousands of IPs can be obtained at a time. Some businesses may need so many IPs at a time. The large quantity is the advantage of common proxies.

Third, it is convenient. No authorization is required. Common proxies do not need to be bound to IP whitelists or account and password verification. You can use them wherever you want. Unlike high-quality proxy IPs, you must be authorized to use them.

What are the disadvantages of common proxy IPs?

First, the efficiency is extremely low, generally around 1%-40%. When you are unlucky, you may extract 1,000 ordinary proxies, but only 10 or so IPs can be connected.

Second, the speed is very slow. The user group of ordinary proxy IP (free proxy IP) is extremely large. If more people use it, the speed will naturally be stuck.

Third, the stability is poor. It is often encountered that the ordinary proxy is valid in the last second, but it is found that it cannot be connected in the next second. The stability is too poor.

What are the advantages of high-quality proxy IP?

First, the efficiency is high. Most high-quality proxies are built with dial-up VPS in the computer room. The efficiency is generally above 90%, which means that basically all the extracted IPs can be connected.

Second, the speed is fast. Most high-quality proxy IPs are computer room broadband. The computer room broadband is faster, and there are not as many people using it as free proxy IPs, so the speed is faster.

Third, the security is high. High-quality proxy IPs generally need to be authorized before they can be used, or bound to terminal IP authorization, or username + password verification.

What are the disadvantages of high-quality proxies?

First, it is a little expensive. Compared with ordinary agents, the price of high-quality agents has increased several times. The cost of high-quality agent IP is relatively high. It is necessary to purchase a dial-up server in the computer room or build a computer room by yourself, and maintain an IP pool.

Second, the single withdrawal volume is small. For ordinary agents to withdraw thousands at a time, high-quality agents can withdraw a few, dozens, or hundreds at a time, which is simply too little. Moreover, the more single withdrawals, the higher the price.

Third, the authorization restriction. Compared with ordinary agents, authorization is too troublesome, and the IP whitelist is also limited, usually one or two. Ordinary agents can be used on any machine at will, even on multiple terminals at the same time. Proxy IP supports username + password authorization and can also be used on multiple terminals at the same time.

So, how to choose? This mainly depends on the usage scenario. Ordinary agents are mostly used for beginner testing, businesses with very small input-output ratios, and small businesses that do not need to rush to complete the task volume; high-quality proxy IPs are mostly used in scenarios such as data mining, effect replenishment, online voting, market analysis, etc. There are many corporate users, who need to complete work tasks on time and pay attention to work efficiency.

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