Many people think that crawler work and proxy IP are inseparable, and crawlers must use proxies. But this is not the case. Crawler can be used without proxies.

Crawler programs essentially imitate users who visit websites. For servers, these special users often break the rules and increase server pressure, so websites always use various means to discover and prohibit them. In some cases, crawlers can be used without using proxies. Let's take a look~

1. Small business volume

Crawler work with a small business volume sometimes does not require the use of proxy IPs to complete, such as crawling hundreds of articles, which can be easily solved with a locomotive; or if there is no great requirement for work efficiency, you can simulate the normal access speed of manual crawling.

2. Weak anti-crawling strategy

Some websites do not have anti-crawling strategies, so they do not need to use proxy IPs to crawl normally, but it is recommended not to be too presumptuous to avoid crashing the website server; some websites have very weak anti-crawling strategies, and they may not need proxy IPs to crawl normally.

3. Low access frequency

The most common anti-crawler strategy is to determine the access frequency of a single IP, because ordinary users do not access web pages very frequently. You can choose to reduce the access frequency to avoid being discovered by the server, but if the access frequency and access logic of the crawler are similar to those of an ordinary user, then the crawler will not have much meaning.

All crawlers hope that their crawlers can capture a large amount of data as quickly as possible. The most common method is to use proxy IP to break through the server's anti-crawler mechanism. It is recommended to use ISPKEY proxy IP, which supports all protocols to meet various business needs in the big data industry.

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