How to evaluate the quality and actual effect of overseas HTTP?

1. Connectivity rate

The efficiency of overseas HTTPIP connection reflects the quality of IP to a certain extent. The connectivity rate of IP with general quality is about 80-95%. Of course, this value is not absolute. In different network conditions, browsing different websites will naturally get different connectivity rates, so specific tests are needed.

2. Business pass rate

The business pass rate directly reflects whether the overseas HTTPIP is suitable for the business that customers need to implement. Different businesses use IPs and have different pass rates. This is because in different business scenarios, customers encounter different countermeasures when using IPs, and the countermeasures for IP purity are also different.

3. IP repetition rate

Many overseas HTTPIPs also randomly extract IP resources from the IP pool, so the IP repetition rate reflects the size of the IP pool to a certain extent. The smaller the IP pool, the greater the IP repetition rate, the higher the repetition rate, and the lower the business pass rate.

4. Work efficiency

The purpose of using overseas HTTPIP is of course to improve efficiency. There are many factors that affect work efficiency, such as HTTPIP speed, stability, and the above-mentioned connectivity rate, business pass rate, etc.

ISPKEY is a high-quality overseas HTTP service provider based in China. It can provide a variety of API parameters and account password authentication management methods to extract IP. It is convenient and fast to meet various business needs of enterprises. It currently supports dynamic and static residences, and data centers and mobile will be launched soon. It has the characteristics of ultra-high concurrency, high-quality IP pool, stable and efficient, and technical services.

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