Nowadays, many netizens or Internet practitioners often need to use tools to help them access target websites normally, especially crawlers and other overseas businesses that crawl data and information. However, partners often use transparency, but are caught by anti-crawling or directly restricted. So, let's talk about the relationship between transparency and hidden IP.

1. Why is it restricted when using transparency?

Because IP can be divided into highly anonymous, ordinary anonymous and transparent according to the degree of anonymity. The difference between them is: highly anonymous means that the website cannot recognize that you are using it, and can only get the IP address of the server; ordinary anonymity means that the website may find that you are using it, and may find your real IP address; transparent means that the target website can find that you are using it, and can find your real IP address.

Therefore, when crawling and other operations that require (hiding IP) or information, it is best to choose a high degree of anonymity to protect your information. Otherwise, if it is found to be used, it may be restricted by the target website, return blank, crawl error information and other anti-crawling measures. When crawling, it is best to choose a highly anonymous (anonymous server) to protect your information and real IP. Otherwise, if it is discovered, you may encounter anti-crawling measures such as being restricted by the target website, returning blank, and crawling error information. If you use ordinary or transparent, you will most likely be discovered and naturally restricted.

2. What other influencing factors?

1. Be careful to avoid too frequent requests

Each website has a series of assessment indicators for normal request access to an IP, the most important of which is the number and frequency of IP accesses within a certain period of time. If users need to crawl large-scale data, it is particularly important to find a suitable request frequency. If the frequency is set too high and too fast, it will easily be blocked by the server.

2. Low quality of IP pool

There are also some cases, especially in some novices, who initially choose free or public overseas IPs with the idea of ​​saving money, but in the end they all fail. This is because the free IP pool is small and only a few IPs are used. Secondly, the IP availability rate is also very low, basically they have been used by others, so naturally they will be hindered.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose some high-quality overseas IPs, and give priority to those that can provide high-anonymity IPs, and secondly, the IP pool and IP purity should be as good as possible. I am currently using a company called ISPKEY, because of its excellent cost performance, I tried it, and found that high-anonymity IPs are stable, safe, and very suitable for overseas business.

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