In the current era of globalization, the Internet has brought many opportunities to all walks of life facing overseas, but in the process of overseas business, overseas HTTP is needed most of the time. However, there is a distinction between IPv6 and IPv4 in overseas HTTP, which often confuses newcomers, so here we will introduce what IPv6 is? What are the advantages compared to IPv4?

1. What is IPv6?

IPv6 is a technology that enables network users to access the Internet through a single IPv6 address. Its main purpose is to solve the limitations of the IPv4 address space, which is due to the limited number of IPv4 addresses. IPv6 can provide network users with seamless network connections, allowing them to access various network services without worrying about changing IP addresses or stopping services.

IPv6 servers map the IPv6 addresses of network users to a public IPv4 address, allowing network users to access IPv4 network services. It can also implement IPv4 services on IPv6 networks, such as IPv4 streaming services, so that IPv6 users can use IPv4 services.

IPv6 can also provide higher security and privacy for network users, because they can hide the user's real IP address, allowing users to access the Internet more safely.

In short, IPv6 provides users with a new Internet experience, which can provide faster and safer access speeds, as well as higher security and privacy.

2. What are the advantages compared to IPv4?

Larger address space: The length of IPv4 address is 32, that is, 2^32-1 addresses; while the length of IPv6 address is 128, that is, 2^128-1 addresses. So the address space of the latter can be said to be much larger.

Smaller routing table: IPv6 address allocation follows the clustering principle, which enables the router to use one record (Entry) in the routing table to represent a subnet, greatly reducing the length of the routing table in the router and increasing the speed at which the router forwards data packets.

Enhanced multicast and convection support: This has given multimedia applications an opportunity to develop rapidly and provided a good network platform for service quality control.

Add support for automatic configuration: This is an improvement and extension of the DHCP protocol, making network (especially LAN) management more convenient and faster.

Higher security: When using IPv6 network, users can encrypt data at the network layer and verify IP packets, which greatly enhances network security.

For IPv6, ISPKEY is very reliable. The most important thing is that ISPKEY can achieve a very high cost-effectiveness while ensuring speed, stability and other parameters. It can also improve the security of network connection and encrypt the data sent and received, so you can visit the website you want to visit with confidence. And ISPKEY supports HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS5 protocols at the same time, which can meet different work needs.

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