The server side identifies whether the IP is used by sending related behaviors of requests from the client. The identification method is generally to analyze whether the access request behavior is anti-human: the access frequency is super fast, the access is very regular, etc. So will it be identified if a high anonymous IP is used?

First of all, what scenarios can high anonymous IP generally be used for?

High anonymous IP is a network service that hides the user's real IP address. On the Internet, high anonymous IP is often used for many different purposes.

Here are some usage scenarios of high anonymous IP:

1. Protect privacy

High anonymous IP can be used to protect the privacy of users. On the Internet, the user's real IP address can be easily tracked by websites and applications. By using high anonymous IP, users can hide their real IP address and protect their privacy and anonymity.

2. Access restricted content

Some websites and applications restrict users from accessing certain content based on their IP address. For example, governments in some regions may restrict their citizens from accessing specific websites or social media platforms. Using high anonymous IP, users can bypass these restrictions and gain freer access.

3. Data mining and web crawlers

In terms of data mining and web crawlers, high-anonymous IP is also very useful. By using high-anonymous IP, users can avoid being detected by websites and applications, thereby obtaining more data, which is very useful in fields such as big data analysis and market research.

4. Testing and debugging network applications

High-anonymous IP can also be used to test and debug network applications. By using high-anonymous IP, users can simulate different network environments in order to test and debug the performance and functions of applications.

In short, high-anonymous IP has many uses on the Internet. However, when using high-anonymous IP, users should pay attention to ensuring the reliability and security of the service. Users should choose reliable service providers and comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Will frequent crawling with high-anonymous IP definitely not be restricted?

Using high-anonymous IP may not completely avoid being restricted. Although high-anonymous IP can help users hide their real IP addresses, some websites and applications can still detect the use and may restrict users.

First, some websites and applications use technical means to detect the use.

For example, they may check the information in the HTTP header file or detect the use through JavaScript code.

If a user is detected using it, these websites and applications may block the user from accessing specific content or require the user to verify their identity.

Second, some websites and applications block servers. If a server is blocked, users cannot use the server to access specific content.

Although some high-anonymous IP service providers will regularly change servers to prevent being blocked, some websites and applications can still detect and block servers through other means.

Finally, even if a user successfully uses a high-anonymous IP to access specific content, there is no guarantee that the user will not be restricted by other means.

For example, some websites and applications may monitor user behavior in order to identify and restrict those who use it to conduct malicious activities.

In summary, although high-anonymous IP can help users hide their real IP address, it cannot completely guarantee that users will not be restricted. Users should be cautious when using it, and should not crawl data frequently and maliciously without scruples, and comply with relevant laws and regulations. If users need to access specific content, it is best to first understand the usage rules of the website or application and choose the appropriate service.

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