Crawler workers who often use proxy IPs know that there is a huge amount of data on the Internet, and the corresponding crawler workload is very arduous, so the performance of the crawler program is crucial. The crawler strategies corresponding to different websites are different, so what characteristics do excellent crawler strategies have?

1. Friendliness

The friendliness of the crawler has two meanings: one is to protect the partial privacy of the target website, and the other is to reduce the network load of the target website. For website owners, some content is not wanted to be leaked. Generally, there will be a robot.txt file to specify the content that is prohibited from crawling, or add a meta name="robots" tag to the HTML code. Friendly crawlers will definitely abide by this agreement.

2. High performance

High performance refers to the efficiency, stability, and sustainability of the crawler. The more web pages that can be stably and continuously crawled per unit time, the higher the performance of the crawler. To improve the performance of the crawler, the choice of data structure is particularly important in program design. At the same time, the crawler strategy and anti-anti-crawler strategy cannot be ignored, and it is necessary to use high-quality proxy IPs such as Tianqi proxy IP to assist the crawler work.

3. Scalability

Even if the performance of a single crawler is improved, it still takes a long time to process massive amounts of data. In order to shorten the task cycle of the crawler as much as possible, the crawler system should also have good scalability, which can be achieved by increasing the number of crawling servers and crawlers. Multiple crawlers are deployed on each server, and each crawler runs in multiple threads, increasing concurrency in various ways, which is a distributed crawler.

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