When using HTTP proxies, we often run into problems that make our work not so smooth. But it does not matter, as long as calm down, or can identify the problem and solve it, today we will organize the more common three aspects of the problem.

First, the authorization of many friends to open the HTTP proxy IP, generate API extraction link, found that the extraction of IP, or IP extraction after all can not be used. After communication and understanding, the following problems were found:

1、Terminal IP authorization mode, there is no binding terminal IP, so the IP can not be extracted;

2, user name + password authorization, extracted IP in the use of the time and did not carry out the account password authentication, so can not be used, the specific method can be referred to "how to use HTTP (S) agent with user name and password authentication", if you really do not know how to use it, then cut back to the terminal IP authorization mode.

3, terminal IP authorization mode, the binding is not the use of proxy terminal IP, or the binding of the terminal IP has changed, these two cases also can not be used.

Second, the period of validity of dynamic proxy IP have a survival cycle, from the update, to the expiration, is the survival cycle of the proxy IP, also known as the period of validity. Station moncler outlet online, the validity of the short-lived high-quality proxy IP is 3-6 minutes, a first-hand private proxy IP is 1-4 hours or so, exclusive IP pool is their own settings, the shortest 2 minutes, the longest 2 days. Users and friends can choose products according to their business requirements. When extracting the IP, you can also set the extraction format to return the remaining survival time of the IP. Use the IP as soon as possible within the validity of the IP, when the IP is invalid, it is not available, you need to extract a new IP for use.

Anti-Crawl Strategy When using proxy IPs, you will often come across target websites that restrict IPs, and many people have the misunderstanding that if you use a proxy IP, it will not be blocked, and if it is blocked, then it is not a Koraku Proxy IP, but in fact, proxy IPs are IPs, and if you trigger the anti-crawl strategy of the target website, it will be blocked, even if it is a Koraku Proxy IP, it is still the same. The purpose of proxy IP is not to ignore the anti-crawl strategy of the target website, but to switch to a new proxy IP to continue to complete the task after the target website's anti-crawl strategy is about to be triggered or has been triggered. A large number of HTTP proxies work to ensure that the task is completed on time and work efficiency is improved.

The above three points are often encountered by users and friends of the problem, I hope that friends who have read this article can pay attention to avoid the occurrence of these problems, so that you can save time, more efficient completion of the work task.

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