Due to the rapid development of the Internet, market demand is getting higher and higher, and more and more people are using proxy IPs. Proxy IPs can solve the problem of access restrictions. When choosing a high-quality IP agent, you must consider its proxy IP pool. So what is the role of the proxy IP pool?

Proxy IPs are extracted from the proxy IP pool. A large proxy IP pool means a large number of IPs and a low repetition rate. For crawlers, it can improve work efficiency. Secondly, a large proxy IP pool means more options, because some users may set regional IPs. A large proxy IP pool can greatly reduce the risk of IP being blocked. Therefore, the more regional nodes there are, the lower the risk.

So when choosing a proxy IP, you should consider whether the resources are sufficient. The larger the IP pool, the higher the cost, which proves that the supplier's comprehensive strength is stronger, and the after-sales service and product quality are more guaranteed.

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