How to use Goland to use proxy IP for http requests

1. Customize Transport in http.Client and set Proxy.

   // No proxy authentication required, set directly: url.Parse("http://proxy IP (/domain name):proxy port")
   uri, err := url.Parse("http://authentication account:authentication password@proxy IP (/domain name):proxy port")
   if err != nil{
   log.Fatal("parse url error: ", err)

   client := http.Client{
   Transport: &http.Transport{
   //Set proxy
   Proxy: http.ProxyURL(uri),
   //Initiate request
   resp, err := client.Get("")
   if err != nil{
   defer resp.Body.Close()
   data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

2. In addition, you can also set environment variables, such as: HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, NO_PROXY

Modify the code above

   client := http.Client{
   Transport: &http.Transport{
   //Set the proxy and get it from environment variables
   Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
   //Initiate request
   resp, err := client.Get("")
   if err != nil{
   defer resp.Body.Close()
   data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

The above is a tutorial on how to use the go language to make simple requests.

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