Configuring a fixed IP address on a virtual machine can ensure that you can connect to the network smoothly every time you start the computer. This article describes how to configure a fixed IP address in virtual machines of Windows and Linux operating systems so that you can access the Internet at any time.

1. Configuring a fixed IP address for a Windows virtual machine

1. Open the virtual machine, enter the Windows operating system, click the "Start" menu in the lower left corner of the desktop, and select "Control Panel".

2. In the Control Panel, find "Network and Sharing Center" and click to enter.

3. In the "Network and Sharing Center", click "Change Adapter Settings" on the left.

4. Find the network adapter for which you want to configure a fixed IP address, right-click the adapter, and select "Properties".

5. In the pop-up window, find "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and double-click it.

6. In the pop-up window, select "Use the following IP address" and fill in the fixed IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway you want to set. You can consult your network administrator or network service provider for this information.

7. After filling in, click "OK" to save the settings.

2. Configure a fixed IP address for a Linux virtual machine

1. Open the virtual machine, enter the Linux operating system, and open the terminal.

2. Enter the following command in the terminal: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces.

3. Find the network adapter for which you want to configure a fixed IP address in the opened file and add the following code:

auto eth0

iface eth0 inet static

address //Fill in the fixed IP address you want to set

netmask //Fill in the subnet mask

gateway //Fill in the default gateway

4. After filling in, press the "Esc" key to exit the editing state, and enter ":wq" to save and exit the file.

5. Enter the following command in the terminal: sudo service networking restart.

6. After restarting the virtual machine, you can use the fixed IP address you set to access the Internet.

Through the above steps, you can configure a fixed IP address in a virtual machine of Windows and Linux operating systems to ensure that you can successfully connect to the network every time you start the machine. At the same time, when setting a fixed IP address, please make sure to fill in the correct information to avoid network connection problems.

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