What is a proxy IP? How to use a proxy IP in a crawler?

A proxy IP refers to an IP address that accesses the network on behalf of a user, which is used to hide the real IP and provide access and security. Using a proxy IP in a crawler can solve problems such as being blocked and restricted by anti-crawler policies. The steps for using a proxy IP are generally to obtain the proxy IP address and port, set the proxy IP, and send a request. For specific operations, please refer to the tutorials and open source crawler libraries on the Internet.

How to choose a suitable proxy IP supplier?

Choosing a suitable proxy IP supplier is the key to ensuring the stable operation of the crawler. When choosing a supplier, you can consider the following key factors: stability, that is, whether the proxy IP provided by the supplier is stable and reliable; speed, whether the proxy IP responds quickly; geographical location, whether the proxy IP is distributed in the area where the target website is located; price, whether the supplier's proxy IP price is reasonable; service, whether the supplier provides good customer support.

How to avoid proxy IP being blocked by anti-crawler policies?

Being blocked by anti-crawler strategies is a common problem when using proxy IPs. Here are a few suggestions to avoid being blocked: choose high-quality proxy IP providers, who will provide more stable and more anonymous proxy IPs; change proxy IPs regularly to avoid being blocked for using the same IP for a long time; set a reasonable crawling speed and frequency, as crawling too quickly may alert anti-crawler strategies; optimize crawler code, use appropriate information such as Headers and Cookies, and simulate normal user behavior.

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